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Registration, Sponsorship & Donations 

Purchase Individual Tickets or Sponsorship Tables
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Diamond Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Table of 10 guests with priority seating next to the stage, premium wine & champagne at the table, dedicated table service, and 10 "Steal from Live" tickets.

Platinum Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Table of 10 guests with priority seating next to the stage, premium wine & champagne at the table, and dedicated table service.

Gold Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Table of 10 guests in the priority seating section close to the stage, with premium wine & champagne at the table.

Silver Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Table of 10 guests with premium champagne included.

Bronze Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Table of 10 guests with champagne included.

Gala Single Ticket $0.00
Registration opens: Monday, April 8, 2024
Registration closes: Sunday, September 29, 2024

Unable to attend? You can still be a part of the 2024 MDF Gala with a 100% tax deductible donation.

I authorize Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2024 MDF Gala. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.